Convert object to a PredictionDens.
as_prediction_dens(x, ...)
# S3 method for class 'PredictionDens'
as_prediction_dens(x, ...)
# S3 method for class 'data.frame'
as_prediction_dens(x, ...)
task = tsk("precip")
learner = lrn("dens.hist")
p = learner$predict(task)
# convert to a data.table
tab =
# convert back to a Prediction
#> <PredictionDens> for 70 observations:
#> row_ids pdf cdf
#> 1 0.001428571 0.9957143
#> 2 0.007142857 0.9478571
#> 3 0.005714286 0.0400000
#> --- --- ---
#> 68 0.007142857 0.2507143
#> 69 0.012857143 0.1162857
#> 70 0.007142857 0.9800000
#> distr
#> <Distribution>\n Public:\n alias: \n cdf: function (..., lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, \n clone: function (deep = FALSE) \n confidence: function (alpha = 0.95, sides = "both", median = FALSE) \n correlation: function () \n decorators: active binding\n description: NULL\n dmax: active binding\n dmin: active binding\n getParameterValue: function (id, error = "warn") \n inf: active binding\n initialize: function (name = NULL, short_name = NULL, type, support = NULL, \n iqr: function () \n kurtosisType: active binding\n liesInSupport: function (x, all = TRUE, bound = FALSE) \n liesInType: function (x, all = TRUE, bound = FALSE) \n median: function (na.rm = NULL, ...) \n name: Histogram Estimator\n parameters: function (id = NULL) \n pdf: function (..., log = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, data = NULL) \n prec: function () \n print: function (n = 2, ...) \n properties: active binding\n quantile: function (..., lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, \n rand: function (n, simplify = TRUE) \n setParameterValue: function (..., lst = list(...), error = "warn", resolveConflicts = FALSE) \n short_name: Histogram\n skewnessType: active binding\n stdev: function () \n strprint: function (n = 2) \n summary: function (full = TRUE, ...) \n sup: active binding\n support: active binding\n symmetry: active binding\n traits: active binding\n type: active binding\n valueSupport: active binding\n variateForm: active binding\n workingSupport: function () \n Private:\n .cdf: function (x, self = <environment>, ...) \n .decorators: NULL\n .isCdf: 1\n .isPdf: 1\n .isQuantile: 0\n .isRand: 0\n .log: FALSE\n .parameters: NULL\n .pdf: function (x, self = <environment>, ...) \n .properties: list\n .traits: list\n .updateDecorators: function (decs) \n .variates: 1
#> <Distribution>\n Public:\n alias: \n cdf: function (..., lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, \n clone: function (deep = FALSE) \n confidence: function (alpha = 0.95, sides = "both", median = FALSE) \n correlation: function () \n decorators: active binding\n description: NULL\n dmax: active binding\n dmin: active binding\n getParameterValue: function (id, error = "warn") \n inf: active binding\n initialize: function (name = NULL, short_name = NULL, type, support = NULL, \n iqr: function () \n kurtosisType: active binding\n liesInSupport: function (x, all = TRUE, bound = FALSE) \n liesInType: function (x, all = TRUE, bound = FALSE) \n median: function (na.rm = NULL, ...) \n name: Histogram Estimator\n parameters: function (id = NULL) \n pdf: function (..., log = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, data = NULL) \n prec: function () \n print: function (n = 2, ...) \n properties: active binding\n quantile: function (..., lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, \n rand: function (n, simplify = TRUE) \n setParameterValue: function (..., lst = list(...), error = "warn", resolveConflicts = FALSE) \n short_name: Histogram\n skewnessType: active binding\n stdev: function () \n strprint: function (n = 2) \n summary: function (full = TRUE, ...) \n sup: active binding\n support: active binding\n symmetry: active binding\n traits: active binding\n type: active binding\n valueSupport: active binding\n variateForm: active binding\n workingSupport: function () \n Private:\n .cdf: function (x, self = <environment>, ...) \n .decorators: NULL\n .isCdf: 1\n .isPdf: 1\n .isQuantile: 0\n .isRand: 0\n .log: FALSE\n .parameters: NULL\n .pdf: function (x, self = <environment>, ...) \n .properties: list\n .traits: list\n .updateDecorators: function (decs) \n .variates: 1
#> <Distribution>\n Public:\n alias: \n cdf: function (..., lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, \n clone: function (deep = FALSE) \n confidence: function (alpha = 0.95, sides = "both", median = FALSE) \n correlation: function () \n decorators: active binding\n description: NULL\n dmax: active binding\n dmin: active binding\n getParameterValue: function (id, error = "warn") \n inf: active binding\n initialize: function (name = NULL, short_name = NULL, type, support = NULL, \n iqr: function () \n kurtosisType: active binding\n liesInSupport: function (x, all = TRUE, bound = FALSE) \n liesInType: function (x, all = TRUE, bound = FALSE) \n median: function (na.rm = NULL, ...) \n name: Histogram Estimator\n parameters: function (id = NULL) \n pdf: function (..., log = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, data = NULL) \n prec: function () \n print: function (n = 2, ...) \n properties: active binding\n quantile: function (..., lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, \n rand: function (n, simplify = TRUE) \n setParameterValue: function (..., lst = list(...), error = "warn", resolveConflicts = FALSE) \n short_name: Histogram\n skewnessType: active binding\n stdev: function () \n strprint: function (n = 2) \n summary: function (full = TRUE, ...) \n sup: active binding\n support: active binding\n symmetry: active binding\n traits: active binding\n type: active binding\n valueSupport: active binding\n variateForm: active binding\n workingSupport: function () \n Private:\n .cdf: function (x, self = <environment>, ...) \n .decorators: NULL\n .isCdf: 1\n .isPdf: 1\n .isQuantile: 0\n .isRand: 0\n .log: FALSE\n .parameters: NULL\n .pdf: function (x, self = <environment>, ...) \n .properties: list\n .traits: list\n .updateDecorators: function (decs) \n .variates: 1
#> ---
#> <Distribution>\n Public:\n alias: \n cdf: function (..., lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, \n clone: function (deep = FALSE) \n confidence: function (alpha = 0.95, sides = "both", median = FALSE) \n correlation: function () \n decorators: active binding\n description: NULL\n dmax: active binding\n dmin: active binding\n getParameterValue: function (id, error = "warn") \n inf: active binding\n initialize: function (name = NULL, short_name = NULL, type, support = NULL, \n iqr: function () \n kurtosisType: active binding\n liesInSupport: function (x, all = TRUE, bound = FALSE) \n liesInType: function (x, all = TRUE, bound = FALSE) \n median: function (na.rm = NULL, ...) \n name: Histogram Estimator\n parameters: function (id = NULL) \n pdf: function (..., log = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, data = NULL) \n prec: function () \n print: function (n = 2, ...) \n properties: active binding\n quantile: function (..., lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, \n rand: function (n, simplify = TRUE) \n setParameterValue: function (..., lst = list(...), error = "warn", resolveConflicts = FALSE) \n short_name: Histogram\n skewnessType: active binding\n stdev: function () \n strprint: function (n = 2) \n summary: function (full = TRUE, ...) \n sup: active binding\n support: active binding\n symmetry: active binding\n traits: active binding\n type: active binding\n valueSupport: active binding\n variateForm: active binding\n workingSupport: function () \n Private:\n .cdf: function (x, self = <environment>, ...) \n .decorators: NULL\n .isCdf: 1\n .isPdf: 1\n .isQuantile: 0\n .isRand: 0\n .log: FALSE\n .parameters: NULL\n .pdf: function (x, self = <environment>, ...) \n .properties: list\n .traits: list\n .updateDecorators: function (decs) \n .variates: 1
#> <Distribution>\n Public:\n alias: \n cdf: function (..., lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, \n clone: function (deep = FALSE) \n confidence: function (alpha = 0.95, sides = "both", median = FALSE) \n correlation: function () \n decorators: active binding\n description: NULL\n dmax: active binding\n dmin: active binding\n getParameterValue: function (id, error = "warn") \n inf: active binding\n initialize: function (name = NULL, short_name = NULL, type, support = NULL, \n iqr: function () \n kurtosisType: active binding\n liesInSupport: function (x, all = TRUE, bound = FALSE) \n liesInType: function (x, all = TRUE, bound = FALSE) \n median: function (na.rm = NULL, ...) \n name: Histogram Estimator\n parameters: function (id = NULL) \n pdf: function (..., log = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, data = NULL) \n prec: function () \n print: function (n = 2, ...) \n properties: active binding\n quantile: function (..., lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, \n rand: function (n, simplify = TRUE) \n setParameterValue: function (..., lst = list(...), error = "warn", resolveConflicts = FALSE) \n short_name: Histogram\n skewnessType: active binding\n stdev: function () \n strprint: function (n = 2) \n summary: function (full = TRUE, ...) \n sup: active binding\n support: active binding\n symmetry: active binding\n traits: active binding\n type: active binding\n valueSupport: active binding\n variateForm: active binding\n workingSupport: function () \n Private:\n .cdf: function (x, self = <environment>, ...) \n .decorators: NULL\n .isCdf: 1\n .isPdf: 1\n .isQuantile: 0\n .isRand: 0\n .log: FALSE\n .parameters: NULL\n .pdf: function (x, self = <environment>, ...) \n .properties: list\n .traits: list\n .updateDecorators: function (decs) \n .variates: 1
#> <Distribution>\n Public:\n alias: \n cdf: function (..., lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, \n clone: function (deep = FALSE) \n confidence: function (alpha = 0.95, sides = "both", median = FALSE) \n correlation: function () \n decorators: active binding\n description: NULL\n dmax: active binding\n dmin: active binding\n getParameterValue: function (id, error = "warn") \n inf: active binding\n initialize: function (name = NULL, short_name = NULL, type, support = NULL, \n iqr: function () \n kurtosisType: active binding\n liesInSupport: function (x, all = TRUE, bound = FALSE) \n liesInType: function (x, all = TRUE, bound = FALSE) \n median: function (na.rm = NULL, ...) \n name: Histogram Estimator\n parameters: function (id = NULL) \n pdf: function (..., log = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, data = NULL) \n prec: function () \n print: function (n = 2, ...) \n properties: active binding\n quantile: function (..., lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, \n rand: function (n, simplify = TRUE) \n setParameterValue: function (..., lst = list(...), error = "warn", resolveConflicts = FALSE) \n short_name: Histogram\n skewnessType: active binding\n stdev: function () \n strprint: function (n = 2) \n summary: function (full = TRUE, ...) \n sup: active binding\n support: active binding\n symmetry: active binding\n traits: active binding\n type: active binding\n valueSupport: active binding\n variateForm: active binding\n workingSupport: function () \n Private:\n .cdf: function (x, self = <environment>, ...) \n .decorators: NULL\n .isCdf: 1\n .isPdf: 1\n .isQuantile: 0\n .isRand: 0\n .log: FALSE\n .parameters: NULL\n .pdf: function (x, self = <environment>, ...) \n .properties: list\n .traits: list\n .updateDecorators: function (decs) \n .variates: 1