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Helper function to compose a survival distribution (or cumulative hazard) from the relative risk predictions (linear predictors, lp) of a proportional hazards model (e.g. a Cox-type model).


breslow(times, status, lp_train, lp_test, eval_times = NULL, type = "surv")



Vector of times (train set).


Vector of status indicators (train set). For each observation in the train set, this should be 0 (alive/censored) or 1 (dead).


Vector of linear predictors (train set). These are the relative score predictions (\(lp = \hat{\beta}X_{train}\)) from a proportional hazards model on the train set.


Vector of linear predictors (test set). These are the relative score predictions (\(lp = \hat{\beta}X_{test}\)) from a proportional hazards model on the test set.


Vector of times to compute survival probabilities. If NULL (default), the unique and sorted times from the train set will be used, otherwise the unique and sorted eval_times.


Type of prediction estimates. Default is surv which returns the survival probabilities \(S_i(t)\) for each test observation \(i\). If cumhaz, the function returns the estimated cumulative hazards \(H_i(t)\).


a matrix (obs x times). Number of columns is equal to eval_times and number of rows is equal to the number of test observations (i.e. the length of the lp_test vector). Depending on the type argument, the matrix can have either survival probabilities (0-1) or cumulative hazard estimates (0-Inf).


We estimate the survival probability of individual \(i\) (from the test set), at time point \(t\) as follows: $$S_i(t) = e^{-H_i(t)} = e^{-\hat{H}_0(t) \times e^{lp_i}}$$


  • \(H_i(t)\) is the cumulative hazard function for individual \(i\)

  • \(\hat{H}_0(t)\) is Breslow's estimator for the cumulative baseline hazard. Estimation requires the training set's times and status as well the risk predictions (lp_train).

  • \(lp_i\) is the risk prediction (linear predictor) of individual \(i\) on the test set.

Breslow's approach uses a non-parametric maximum likelihood estimation of the cumulative baseline hazard function:

$$\hat{H}_0(t) = \sum_{i=1}^n{\frac{I(T_i \le t)\delta_i} {\sum\nolimits_{j \in R_i}e^{lp_j}}}$$


  • \(t\) is the vector of time points (unique and sorted, from the train set)

  • \(n\) is number of events (train set)

  • \(T\) is the vector of event times (train set)

  • \(\delta\) is the status indicator (1 = event or 0 = censored)

  • \(R_i\) is the risk set (number of individuals at risk just before event \(i\))

  • \(lp_j\) is the risk prediction (linear predictor) of individual \(j\) (who is part of the risk set \(R_i\)) on the train set.

We employ constant interpolation to estimate the cumulative baseline hazards, extending from the observed unique event times to the specified evaluation times (eval_times). Any values falling outside the range of the estimated times are assigned as follows: $$\hat{H}_0(eval\_times < min(t)) = 0$$ and $$\hat{H}_0(eval\_times > max(t)) = \hat{H}_0(max(t))$$

Note that in the rare event of lp predictions being Inf or -Inf, the resulting cumulative hazard values become NaN, which we substitute with Inf (and corresponding survival probabilities take the value of \(0\)).

For similar implementations, see gbm::basehaz.gbm(), C060::basesurv() and xgboost.surv::sgb_bhaz().


Cox DR (1972). “Regression Models and Life-Tables.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological), 34(2), 187–202. doi:10.1111/j.2517-6161.1972.tb00899.x .

Lin, Y. D (2007). “On the Breslow estimator.” Lifetime Data Analysis, 13(4), 471-480. doi:10.1007/s10985-007-9048-y .


task = tsk("rats")
part = partition(task, ratio = 0.8)

learner = lrn("surv.coxph")
learner$train(task, part$train)
p_train = learner$predict(task, part$train)
p_test = learner$predict(task, part$test)

surv = breslow(times = task$times(part$train), status = task$status(part$train),
               lp_train = p_train$lp, lp_test = p_test$lp)
#>      23 32        34        39        40        45        49        51
#> [1,]  1  1 0.9934716 0.9869102 0.9803373 0.9737725 0.9671354 0.9671354
#> [2,]  1  1 0.9964608 0.9928931 0.9893081 0.9857165 0.9820740 0.9820740
#> [3,]  1  1 0.9964608 0.9928931 0.9893081 0.9857165 0.9820740 0.9820740
#> [4,]  1  1 0.9963199 0.9926106 0.9888840 0.9851510 0.9813657 0.9813657
#> [5,]  1  1 0.9962474 0.9924652 0.9886657 0.9848599 0.9810011 0.9810011
#> [6,]  1  1 0.9996114 0.9992184 0.9988222 0.9984240 0.9980189 0.9980189
#>             53        54        55        62        63        64        65
#> [1,] 0.9671354 0.9603968 0.9536580 0.9536580 0.9536580 0.9467642 0.9467642
#> [2,] 0.9820740 0.9783641 0.9746422 0.9746422 0.9746422 0.9708221 0.9708221
#> [3,] 0.9820740 0.9783641 0.9746422 0.9746422 0.9746422 0.9708221 0.9708221
#> [4,] 0.9813657 0.9775108 0.9736441 0.9736441 0.9736441 0.9696760 0.9696760
#> [5,] 0.9810011 0.9770718 0.9731306 0.9731306 0.9731306 0.9690864 0.9690864
#> [6,] 0.9980189 0.9976049 0.9971881 0.9971881 0.9971881 0.9967589 0.9967589
#>             66        67        68        69        70        71        72
#> [1,] 0.9398717 0.9329700 0.9260397 0.9260397 0.9190422 0.9120344 0.9050772
#> [2,] 0.9669900 0.9631398 0.9592604 0.9592604 0.9553300 0.9513799 0.9474447
#> [3,] 0.9669900 0.9631398 0.9592604 0.9592604 0.9553300 0.9513799 0.9474447
#> [4,] 0.9656960 0.9616979 0.9576702 0.9576702 0.9535900 0.9494903 0.9454065
#> [5,] 0.9650305 0.9609564 0.9568525 0.9568525 0.9526955 0.9485188 0.9443588
#> [6,] 0.9963268 0.9958911 0.9954505 0.9954505 0.9950026 0.9945507 0.9940989
#>             73        74        75        76        77        78        79
#> [1,] 0.8910119 0.8910119 0.8836515 0.8836515 0.8760279 0.8681794 0.8603226
#> [2,] 0.9394461 0.9394461 0.9352373 0.9352373 0.9308610 0.9263373 0.9217901
#> [3,] 0.9394461 0.9394461 0.9352373 0.9352373 0.9308610 0.9263373 0.9217901
#> [4,] 0.9371081 0.9371081 0.9327427 0.9327427 0.9282044 0.9235142 0.9188004
#> [5,] 0.9359067 0.9359067 0.9314610 0.9314610 0.9268396 0.9220640 0.9172650
#> [6,] 0.9931753 0.9931753 0.9926865 0.9926865 0.9921762 0.9916465 0.9911116
#>             80        81        82        83        84        85        86
#> [1,] 0.8523362 0.8361399 0.8361399 0.8361399 0.8275937 0.8275937 0.8189025
#> [2,] 0.9171483 0.9076730 0.9076730 0.9076730 0.9026393 0.9026393 0.8974958
#> [3,] 0.9171483 0.9076730 0.9076730 0.9076730 0.9026393 0.9026393 0.8974958
#> [4,] 0.9139896 0.9041724 0.9041724 0.9041724 0.8989586 0.8989586 0.8936323
#> [5,] 0.9123676 0.9023753 0.9023753 0.9023753 0.8970694 0.8970694 0.8916497
#> [6,] 0.9905632 0.9894361 0.9894361 0.9894361 0.9888331 0.9888331 0.9882137
#>             87        88        89        90        91        92        93
#> [1,] 0.8189025 0.8098767 0.8005769 0.8005769 0.8005769 0.7901305 0.7901305
#> [2,] 0.8974958 0.8921276 0.8865677 0.8865677 0.8865677 0.8802868 0.8802868
#> [3,] 0.8974958 0.8921276 0.8865677 0.8865677 0.8865677 0.8802868 0.8802868
#> [4,] 0.8936323 0.8880747 0.8823199 0.8823199 0.8823199 0.8758207 0.8758207
#> [5,] 0.8916497 0.8859952 0.8801409 0.8801409 0.8801409 0.8735301 0.8735301
#> [6,] 0.9882137 0.9875640 0.9868874 0.9868874 0.9868874 0.9861185 0.9861185
#>             94        95        96        97        98        99       100
#> [1,] 0.7793025 0.7793025 0.7565837 0.7565837 0.7565837 0.7565837 0.7565837
#> [2,] 0.8737361 0.8737361 0.8598546 0.8598546 0.8598546 0.8598546 0.8598546
#> [3,] 0.8737361 0.8737361 0.8598546 0.8598546 0.8598546 0.8598546 0.8598546
#> [4,] 0.8690443 0.8690443 0.8546912 0.8546912 0.8546912 0.8546912 0.8546912
#> [5,] 0.8666385 0.8666385 0.8520448 0.8520448 0.8520448 0.8520448 0.8520448
#> [6,] 0.9853113 0.9853113 0.9835828 0.9835828 0.9835828 0.9835828 0.9835828
#>            101       102       103       104
#> [1,] 0.7445360 0.7205855 0.6836699 0.6702931
#> [2,] 0.8524158 0.8374616 0.8139581 0.8052983
#> [3,] 0.8524158 0.8374616 0.8139581 0.8052983
#> [4,] 0.8470034 0.8315568 0.8073018 0.7983721
#> [5,] 0.8442301 0.8285329 0.8038960 0.7948293
#> [6,] 0.9826463 0.9807415 0.9776856 0.9765398