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Wrapper around multiple PipeOps to help in creation of complex survival reduction methods. Three reductions are currently implemented, see details. [Experimental]


  method = 1,
  regr_learner = lrn("regr.featureless"),
  distrcompose = TRUE,
  distr_estimator = lrn("surv.kaplan"),
  regr_se_learner = NULL,
  surv_learner = lrn("surv.coxph"),
  survregr_params = list(method = "ipcw", estimator = "kaplan", alpha = 1),
  distrcompose_params = list(form = "aft"),
  probregr_params = list(dist = "Uniform"),
  learnercv_params = list(resampling.method = "insample"),
  graph_learner = FALSE



Reduction method to use, corresponds to those in details. Default is 1.


Regression learner to fit to the transformed TaskRegr. If regr_se_learner is NULL in method 2, then regr_learner must have se predict_type.


For method 3 if TRUE (default) then PipeOpDistrCompositor is utilised to transform the deterministic predictions to a survival distribution.


For methods 1 and 3 if distrcompose = TRUE then specifies the learner to estimate the baseline hazard, must have predict_type distr.


For method 2 if regr_learner is not used to predict the se then a LearnerRegr with se predict_type must be provided.


For method 3, a LearnerSurv with lp predict type to estimate linear predictors.


Parameters passed to PipeOpTaskSurvRegr, default are survival to regression transformation via ipcw, with weighting determined by Kaplan-Meier and no additional penalty for censoring.


Parameters passed to PipeOpDistrCompositor, default is accelerated failure time model form.


Parameters passed to PipeOpProbregr, default is Uniform distribution for composition.


Parameters passed to PipeOpLearnerCV, default is to use insampling.


If TRUE returns wraps the Graph as a GraphLearner otherwise (default) returns as a Graph.


Three reduction strategies are implemented, these are:

  1. Survival to Deterministic Regression A

    1. PipeOpTaskSurvRegr Converts TaskSurv to TaskRegr.

    2. A LearnerRegr is fit and predicted on the new TaskRegr.

    3. PipeOpPredRegrSurv transforms the resulting PredictionRegr to PredictionSurv.

  2. Survival to Probabilistic Regression

    1. PipeOpTaskSurvRegr Converts TaskSurv to TaskRegr.

    2. A LearnerRegr is fit on the new TaskRegr to predict response, optionally a second LearnerRegr can be fit to predict se.

    3. PipeOpProbregr composes a distr prediction from the learner(s).

    4. PipeOpPredRegrSurv transforms the resulting PredictionRegr to PredictionSurv.

  3. Survival to Deterministic Regression B

    1. PipeOpLearnerCV cross-validates and makes predictions from a linear LearnerSurv with lp predict type on the original TaskSurv.

    2. PipeOpTaskSurvRegr transforms the lp predictions into the target of a TaskRegr with the same features as the original TaskSurv.

    3. A LearnerRegr is fit and predicted on the new TaskRegr.

    4. PipeOpPredRegrSurv transforms the resulting PredictionRegr to PredictionSurv.

    5. Optionally: PipeOpDistrCompositor is used to compose a distr predict_type from the predicted lp predict_type.


  1. Once a dataset has censoring removed (by a given method) then a regression learner can predict the survival time as the response.

  2. This is a very similar reduction to the first method with the main difference being the distribution composition. In the first case this is composed in a survival framework by assuming a linear model form and baseline hazard estimator, in the second case the composition is in a regression framework. The latter case could result in problematic negative predictions and should therefore be interpreted with caution, however a wider choice of distributions makes it a more flexible composition.

  3. This is a rarer use-case that bypasses censoring not be removing it but instead by first predicting the linear predictor from a survival model and fitting a regression model on these predictions. The resulting regression predictions can then be viewed as the linear predictors of the new data, which can ultimately be composed to a distribution.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

  task = tsk("rats")

  # method 1 with censoring deletion, compose to distribution
  pipe = ppl(
    method = 1,
    regr_learner = lrn("regr.featureless"),
    survregr_params = list(method = "delete")

  # method 2 with censoring imputation (mrl), one regr learner
  pipe = ppl(
    method = 2,
    regr_learner = lrn("regr.featureless", predict_type = "se"),
    survregr_params = list(method = "mrl")

  # method 3 with censoring omission and no composition, insample resampling
  pipe = ppl(
    method = 3,
    regr_learner = lrn("regr.featureless"),
    distrcompose = FALSE,
    surv_learner = lrn("surv.coxph"),
    survregr_params = list(method = "omission")
} # }