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Estimates (or 'composes') a survival distribution from a predicted baseline survival distribution (distr) and a linear predictor (lp) from two PredictionSurvs.

Compositor Assumptions:

  • The baseline distr is a discrete estimator, e.g. surv.kaplan.

  • The composed distr is of a linear form


This PipeOp can be instantiated via the dictionary mlr3pipelines::mlr_pipeops or with the associated sugar function mlr3pipelines::po():


Input and Output Channels

PipeOpDistrCompositor has two input channels, "base" and "pred". Both input channels take NULL during training and PredictionSurv during prediction.

PipeOpDistrCompositor has one output channel named "output", producing NULL during training and a PredictionSurv during prediction.

The output during prediction is the PredictionSurv from the "pred" input but with an extra (or overwritten) column for the distr predict type; which is composed from the distr of "base" and the lp of "pred". If no lp predictions have been made or exist, then the "pred" is returned unchanged.


The $state is left empty (list()).


The parameters are:

  • form :: character(1)
    Determines the form that the predicted linear survival model should take. This is either, accelerated-failure time, aft, proportional hazards, ph, or proportional odds, po. Default aft.

  • overwrite :: logical(1)
    If FALSE (default) then if the "pred" input already has a distr, the compositor does nothing and returns the given PredictionSurv. If TRUE, then the distr is overwritten with the distr composed from lp - this is useful for changing the prediction distr from one model form to another.

  • scale_lp :: logical(1)
    This option is only applicable to form equal to "aft". If TRUE, it min-max scales the linear prediction scores to be in the interval \([0,1]\), avoiding extrapolation of the baseline \(S_0(t)\) on the transformed time points \(\frac{t}{\exp(lp)}\), as these will be \(\in [\frac{t}{e}, t]\), and so always smaller than the maximum time point for which we have estimated \(S_0(t)\). Note that this is just a heuristic to get reasonable results in the case you observe survival predictions to be e.g. constant after the AFT composition and it definitely provides no guarantee for creating calibrated distribution predictions (as none of these methods do). Therefore, it is set to FALSE by default.


The respective forms above have respective survival distributions: $$aft: S(t) = S_0(\frac{t}{\exp(lp)})$$ $$ph: S(t) = S_0(t)^{\exp(lp)}$$ $$po: S(t) = \frac{S_0(t)}{\exp(-lp) + (1-\exp(-lp)) S_0(t)}$$ where \(S_0\) is the estimated baseline survival distribution, and \(lp\) is the predicted linear predictor.

For an example use of the "aft" composition using Kaplan-Meier as a baseline distribution, see Norman et al. (2024).


Norman, A P, Li, Wanlu, Jiang, Wenyu, Chen, E B (2024). “deepAFT: A nonlinear accelerated failure time model with artificial neural network.” Statistics in Medicine. doi:10.1002/sim.10152 .

Super class

mlr3pipelines::PipeOp -> PipeOpDistrCompositor


Inherited methods

Method new()

Creates a new instance of this R6 class.


PipeOpDistrCompositor$new(id = "distrcompose", param_vals = list())



Identifier of the resulting object.


List of hyperparameter settings, overwriting the hyperparameter settings that would otherwise be set during construction.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.


PipeOpDistrCompositor$clone(deep = FALSE)



Whether to make a deep clone.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  task = tsk("rats")

  base = lrn("surv.kaplan")$train(task)$predict(task)
  pred = lrn("surv.coxph")$train(task)$predict(task)
  # let's change the distribution prediction of Cox (Breslow-based) to an AFT form:
  pod = po("distrcompose", param_vals = list(form = "aft", overwrite = TRUE))
  pod$predict(list(base = base, pred = pred))[[1]]
} # }